The benefits of Early Learning at Fintona
Early childhood learning and development is a significant period in a child's life where they explore and express important ideas, connections and relationships through play.

Early childhood learning and development is a significant period in a child’s life where they explore and express important ideas, connections and relationships through play. Within the first five years of a child’s life a child’s brain grows and develops connections at a pace unmatched by any other time in their lives. It is the prime time for learning language, communication, relationships and connection with others and with the world. During these years, children’s experiences, environments, interactions and relationships are crucial, and they influence the development of all learning domains including physical, cognitive, social, and emotional.
Early Learning Centres (ELC) differ from childcare in their approach to education and care in that they focus on providing the highest quality early learning environments possible. Resources are curated and spaces designed with care to enable children to thrive as thinkers, as explorers and as competent citizens of their world. One of the most important resources, and a significant influence on the quality of the educational program are the educators who teach and learn alongside the children.
At Fintona ELC all of the learning programs are led by highly experienced and qualified early Childhood teachers, and supported by qualified educators. Our team is dedicated to knowing each child and their unique learning profile, and to providing an environment where all children are nurtured and challenged in ways which enable them to flourish. Our team of educators also see themselves as learners, and are engaged in ongoing professional learning in order to offer programs which reflect current research and theories around early childhood learning and development.
Fintona’s ELC provides a rich and varied learning experience and is inspired and challenged by the principles of Reggio Emilia – an internationally renowned philosophy of early childhood education, as well as the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF). The learning processes of children are supported using strategies of research, comparison of ideas and co-participation, and are woven into an inquiry approach where children’s curiosity, creativity and problem-solving are celebrated. Educators take care to observe, analyse and document children’s learning as an ongoing process, and value the opportunity to think deeply about each child as they make learning visible through a variety of formats.
The National Quality Standard sets a high benchmark for early childhood education and care in Australia, with services assessed and rated by the regulatory authority across essential quality areas. Fintona’s Early Learning Centre has consistently achieved the rating of ‘exceeding’ across all areas, the highest possible rating.
Our ELC students enjoy classes with specialist Fintona teachers. These are always a highlight of the day and add another level of depth to the children’s experience and learning. Concepts covered in these classes support children to grow in their understandings and skills in ways that enable a smooth transition to school. Specialist classes include Music, Library, Art and PE.
In Music the children learn about pitch, beats, tone and volume, all while having fun with songs, rhymes, composing, playing instruments, dancing and performing in an active and responsive environment. We encourage a love for books and for reading and introduce children to a range of literature. They are invited to respond to the stories which are shared, and supported to recognise sounds, syllables and rhyme which are critical for success in literacy learning. In Art, the children explore mediums, materials and techniques, and each child is assisted to engage in ways that enable them to create artworks they can be proud of. The Physical Education (PE) program is designed to develop each child’s level of skills and fitness as well as their perception of themselves through movement and motor experience.
The benefits of quality early learning and care are extensive, with research suggesting it can contribute to better educational outcomes, social skills, wellbeing and even long-term health and employment prospects. For children to thrive as learners in the early years it is essential to provide environments that are not only caring and secure but also intellectually stimulating and educationally rich.
To find out more about Fintona’s extraordinary Early Learning Programs and how your child can be part of this dynamic learning environment please click here.