Brave and Curious Students Take the Stage
As part of their Drama and Music studies, Year 4 students presented Brave and Curious, a unique adaptation of the Alice in Wonderland story, featuring original songs written by the students. They performed for the Junior School and parents over two days, bringing joy and wonder to the school community.
Students showed an impressive ability to collaborate with their peers and work as part of an ensemble to bring the story and characters of Wonderland to life. They eagerly chose their roles and cleverly contributed to the directorial vision. They also wrote and choreographed four original songs based on the Alice, Cheshire Cat, Mad Hatter, and Queen of Hearts characters and an opening soundscape. With such lyrical lines as ‘Mixed feelings turn into reality,’ ‘Tick a pocket watch, it’s calling me,’ and ‘Begone, you prawn!’, the songs were a delight for the audience.
The process was creative and dynamic in which students were encouraged to share ideas and work together to produce an uplifting play. Rehearsals were often halted by barrels of laughter as students joyfully and imaginatively explored and expressed the possibilities for staging and performing. Converting the abundance of student ideas during rehearsals was highly rewarding and enjoyable. It was wonderful to witness students grow in confidence and develop teamwork skills.
Special acknowledgment should be given to those who gave their time and expertise to the production. Year 4 Teacher/ Curriculum & Pedagogy, Lara Dresser enthusiastically worked with students in the classroom, Music Learning Leader, Elliot Strand accompanied the performance, and Year 12 student, Charlotte choreographed movements and worked with students backstage.
Above all, a special thank you to the students for the wonderful enthusiasm and commitment to this production. Well done!
Ben Christensen
Music Teacher
Andrea Mina
Drama Teacher