Ringing Voices 2023
The 2023 edition of Ringing Voices, an anthology of student work, is now available. Ranging from poetry to short stories, and accompanied by student artwork, the pieces within the collection showcase the inspired minds of students from Years 5 to 12.
‘You should write because you love the shape of stories and sentences and the creation of different words on a page. Writing comes from reading, and reading is the finest teacher of how to write.’ – Annie Proulx
From the moment we are born, we have the capacity to think, feel, and create. From a young age, we have the aptitude to learn how to communicate through words, phrases, and sentences. As we grow and engage in a formal process of education, these words take shape and through a combination of biological and social factors, language is formed. The process of producing, choosing, and arranging ideas into cogent prose or poetry is generated through the symbiotic process of reading and writing. The two are intimately interconnected, for the stories we immerse ourselves in create visual images in our minds, inspiring our thoughts, leading to the birth of our own stories. The pieces of writing selected for this year’s Ringing Voices Anthology showcase the inspired minds of students from Years 5 to 12.
The focus of the writing units of study within our English classrooms this year was to expose our students to other forms of writing. Mentor texts and supplementary material were carefully curated so that students’ minds could be inspired by the ideas of others. Provided with models of effective writing, students were then invited to craft a response to a prompt, a text, or an image. The cornerstone of our English studies is to foster a learning environment that develops the communication skills of our students, providing them with the freedom to explore different ideas, forms, and genres of writing.
Complementing the written word in this collection is an array of remarkable student art. Each art piece also tells a story and seeks to take you on a visual journey.
Enjoy turning each page of this anthology and immersing yourself in the reading experience.
Michelle Maglitto
English Learning Leader
Behind the cover
The front cover of this anthology was designed by this year’s Art Captain, Lucy. The two young figures, standing centrally in the image, are engrossed in the reading process; represented by their animated faces. Lucy has purposely chosen to blend the cursive writing in the background with two people absorbed in the words of the book to convey how writing and reading are collaborative and shared experiences. Reading and writing are personified in the image, and they are quite literally merging.