School Play: The Love of Three Oranges
Bronwyn Bye, Fintona's Drama Learning Leader, reflects on the 2023 School Play, The Love of Three Oranges.

One of the most wonderful aspects of teaching at Fintona is the opportunity to get to know students across many year levels. Our small size and community feel definitely encourage our students to collaborate regardless of age or year level. This diversity was central to the annual School Play, The Love of Three Oranges, in 2023. Having cast members and technical crew from Years 7 to 12 fostered leadership and mentorship in the more experienced students and offered the many cast members appearing in their first production the chance to learn about theatre in a supportive and enthusiastic environment. Everyone involved worked very hard to bring this play to life but we had a lot of fun along the way. I am proud of our students for their creativity as actors, dancers and technicians, as well their diligence, kindness and inclusiveness.
If you were fortunate enough to see the play this year, you were able to watch this fantastic group in action for 90 minutes. I was even more fortunate as I had the opportunity to see them in action for many months, over many afternoons and many, many dance rehearsals and, as I expressed to them, it was a complete joy.
Events like these mark moments in students’ school lives and, after the final performance, it was lovely to hear the three Year 12 girls, Charlotte, Yasmin and Paige express to the cast and crew this sentiment and just how much school plays have meant to them throughout their time at Fintona. Such special events create memories that will stay with Fintonians and their families forever. Needless to say, we are all looking forward to the School Play in 2024.
Bronwyn Bye
Drama Learning Leader / Director
For those who saw it, The Love of Three Oranges was a great night of laughter, music, dance, and crazy hair and costumes. For the show’s cast and crew, which I was honoured to be a part of, it was four months of rehearsals, line learning, choreographing, practising, and perfecting to bring this show to our community. I would like to thank every member of the cast for their hard work and dedication this year, and our talented crew (Zoe, Tori, Izzy, Emma, and Chloe) for making it all happen; as well as the invaluable Mr Batterham and the brilliant Ms Bye for creating a show to remember.
Charlotte, Year 12