Whether you have a passion for Art, want to debate international politics or create sustainable products, we have a club you can join.
The breadth of clubs and special interest groups available at Fintona allows students to learn new skills and find hobbies as well as mentor other students in their own areas of strength.
Whether you have a passion for Art, want to debate international politics or create sustainable products, we have a club you can join.
The breadth of clubs and special interest groups available at Fintona allows students to learn new skills and find hobbies as well as mentor other students in their own areas of strength.
Technology, Science and Maths activities are explored in STEM Club which the STEM Captain coordinates at a once a fortnight meeting.
Fintona’s Green Team leads sustainability initiatives across the Senior Campus (Years 5 to 12). Students involved seek to raise awareness about important environmental issues and increase participation in projects that improve Fintona’s environmental footprint.
Art Club is available to girls from Years 5 to 12. It runs fortnightly and is facilitated by the Art Captain. Tasks include both group work as well as personal exploration of individual work through a variety of mediums.
Three times a week at lunchtime, the Middle School students excitedly venture into the kitchen, eager to learn new and delicious recipes. Often they use produce from the Fintona gardens which the girls from Gardening Club harvest every season.
For those Middle School students who enjoy being outdoors and want to develop their ‘green thumb’, the Gardening club is an excellent way to learn how to grow plants. Each week, Fintona’s gardener demonstrates how to plant vegetables and herbs and even grow some of the ingredients for the Cooking Club.
Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is an internationally recognised self-development program for young people aged from 14 to 25 years and provides opportunities for personal discovery and growth, self-reliance, perseverance, responsibility and service to the community.
The rewards for the participants are many, but it is the process the girls go through, the contacts they make with the community, the self-confidence they develop, as well as the fun and memories they create along the way that make the Award program so beneficial to our participating students. The program is entirely voluntary and each participant is free to choose her own activities within the guidelines, and to progress individually through the various sections of each award level at her own pace.
Compass Award
The Compass Award offers our Middle School students a framework to thrive through selected challenges and achievements. It lays the foundation for achievement of all sections of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. The program is voluntary, non-competitive and aimed at encouraging the individual’s interests and abilities.
Like the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, the Compass Award helps to build confidence and self-esteem and also to foster a positive attitude to formal and informal education and leisure pursuits. Each girl chooses her own activities, willingly accepts the challenges presented and strives admirably to achieve her personal goals.