21 January 2025
From arts and humanities to STEM and sport, the spread of subjects in Middle School introduces girls to a world of learning.
Subjects in Years 5 and 6
Each year, students in Years 5 and 6 undertake Humanities pertaining to the key disciplines: History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship and Commerce.
English language is closely linked to the Humanities. Skills and knowledge, in the areas of written, oral and visual communication, are further developed.
The mathematics curriculum focuses on the further development of knowledge and skills in the areas of Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability.
In Years 5 and 6, students are encouraged to enjoy and develop an interest in science as a means of expanding their curiosity and willingness to ask questions, predict and explore the world in which they live. All students are afforded the opportunity to participate in the Science Talent Search.
Language (French)
In Years 5 and 6, all students study French as their Language Other Than English (LOTE).
Digital Design
Digital Design involves four key strands: digital systems, data and information, coding, and design and technologies.
In Drama, students explore and express ideas through improvisation and role-play. They develop the skills necessary to refine and shape improvised drama through the use of dramatic elements. Expressive and collaborative skills are also developed.
Music involves unique teaching and learning practices that enable students to participate in a rich and diverse musical experiences. Students are introduced to a range of skills including choral performance, improvisation, composition, musicology and music theory. Years 5 and 6 students also participate in the School Orchestra.
Physical Education
In Years 5 and 6, students participate in a wide range of activities and sports which provide them with the opportunity to develop fundamental motor skills and to incorporate these skills in a game setting.
Years 5 and 6 students participate in a compulsory weekly interschool sporting program.  Students compete against local Independent schools in basketball, soccer, volleystars, hockey, teeball and netball.
Visual Arts
This subject encourages students to follow an art process, experimenting with ideas when making and presenting artworks that focus on the application of the elements and principles. Artworks from a variety of cultures, times and places are viewed and discussed.
Subjects in Years 7 and 8
Semester 1 or 2
The focus of Year 7 Drama is on the development of personal, communication and collaborative skills.
The focus of Year 8 Drama is on the development of play building and performance skills through the examination and exploration of dramatic elements, theatrical conventions and styles.
Incorporating the key features of the Australian Curriculum within our own courses, the study of English at Fintona enables students to develop their skills in the areas of language, literature and literacy.
Semester 1 or 2
Geography is a structured way of exploring and understanding the characteristics of places that make up our world. Students are introduced to the fundamental concepts and skills of geography. Students are encouraged to become aware of, and understand, how natural processes and human activities shape our world.
Semester 1 or 2
History is a disciplined process of inquiry into the past that develops students’ curiosity and imagination. Historical knowledge helps students to appreciate how the world and its people have changed, as well as the continuities that exist to the present day.
Digital Design
In Year 7 and 8, students explore cyber safety and data, and how people design, innovate and produce products for preferred futures.
Learning a language other than English contributes to the development of inter-culturally aware citizens through an understanding of languages, culture and humanity.
In Years 7 and 8, all students study two of the languages offered French, Latin and Japanese for the two-year program. French students are grouped into continuing and beginners’ classes based on their previous experience in the language.
Learning a language other than English contributes to the development of inter-culturally aware citizens through an understanding of languages, culture and humanity.
In Years 7 and 8, all students study two of the languages offered French, Latin and Japanese for the two-year program. French students are grouped into continuing and beginners’ classes based on their previous experience in the language.
Learning a language other than English contributes to the development of inter-culturally aware citizens through an understanding of languages, culture and humanity.
In Years 7 and 8, all students study two of the languages offered French, Latin and Japanese for the two-year program. French students are grouped into continuing and beginners’ classes based on their previous experience in the language.
The following areas of study are the focus for the curriculum: Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. The proficiency strands Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving and Reasoning are an integral part of mathematics content across the three content strands and are assessed by in-class activities, topic tests and problem solving and modelling tasks. Digital technology, including scientific calculators are utilised where appropriate. Students follow the course described by the Australian Curriculum.
Year 7 classroom music enables students to refine their composition and improvisation skills, further their understanding of interpreting music notation, and provides opportunities for instrumental performance.
Year 8 students continue to develop music skills previously learnt. These skills include understanding musical notation, musicianship and aural training, theoretical knowledge, composition, improvisation, musicology and performance.
Physical Education
In Years 7 and 8, students are provided with the opportunity to participate in a range of practical units that allows them to develop new and existing skills. Students participate in a wide range of sports that promotes positive attitudes towards physical activity, movement, fitness and skill development.
Fintona is a member of the Girls Sport Victoria (GSV) Interschool Sport Competition which gives girls the opportunity to represent the School in interschool sport as well as various weekly sport competitions.
In Year 7, students are introduced to the various branches of science, and to laboratory equipment and safety skills. Students gain and apply knowledge and skills through experimental and assignment work.
Year 8 students identify and construct questions and problems that they can investigate scientifically. Each individual or pair of students designs an experiment of their choice, investigates and writes a scientific experimental report for possible entry into the annual Victorian Science Talent Search.
Visual Arts
In Years 7 and 8, students are introduced to a variety of different ways art can be created. Students explore a range of materials and techniques and are encouraged to develop individual ideas in their practical work.