Maintaining Healthy and Active Habits
In this article, PE Coordinator, Sarah Bell shares more about the Year 10 PE Curriculum and how it helps students to develop and maintain healthy and active habits through VCE years and beyond school.

Physical Education (PE) is a vital aspect of the curriculum at Fintona and the holistic wellbeing of young women. We provide an abundance of opportunities for students to be involved in all aspects of PE and sport, helping to improve their skills, fitness levels, resilience, and overall enjoyment of being active.
Students in Years 5 to 10 participate in a wide range of physical activity during their PE classes, while Year 11 and 12 students have the opportunity to be active through a recreational sport lesson once a fortnight. In addition to these classes students are encouraged to be active through structured sports and recreation activities.
The Year 10 PE curriculum supports students to develop and apply strategies for maintaining a positive outlook and evaluating behavioural expectations in different leisure and social situations. Girls learn to critically analyse health and physical activity information to implement personalised plans for maintaining healthy and active habits. The final unit for Year 10 focuses on Lifestyle Fitness. Students participate in a range of physical activities to design and evaluate participation strategies that promote health and social outcomes for themselves and their communities.
Over five weeks, students participate in a running and boxing session, an Amazing Race around the school grounds, a water aerobics class, and across the final two weeks they alternate between a yoga and spin class at the Hawthorn YMCA.
Students are assessed based on their:
– Attitude and participation – engagement and willingness throughout all activities.
– Leadership – ability to support, encourage and communicate effectively with peers during group activities.
– Technique and cardiovascular endurance – the ability to complete the movements.
Throughout each session, students discuss the importance of structured and unstructured physical activity, the relationship between physical activity and health and wellbeing indicators, and how sedentary behaviour (sitting time) increases the risk of obesity and chronic disease. The benefits of physical activity can be felt both inside and out. It reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis, alleviates depression and anxiety and can boost mental alertness.
The Lifestyle Fitness unit is included in the Year 10 curriculum to better prepare students to manage their health and wellbeing through their VCE studies. The unit also provides students with health promotion knowledge they can draw upon beyond Fintona.
Sarah Bell
PE Coordinator