The Fintona Parents’ Association elects a committee of parents who organise and manage social and fundraising activities on behalf of the Fintona School Community.
Parent Representatives from each year level also work closely with the FPA and are encouraged to attend meetings, held each term.
The FPA Committee is well supported by the School and works closely with Adele McIntosh, the Development and Community Engagement Manager.
Fundraising activities include the running of the uniform shop and the biennial Fintona Festival. Social events organised include a Gala Cocktail Event, a social event for mums and a Beef and Burgundy Night for dads. The FPA also organises gifts for our graduating Year 12 students, and a Movie Night for the Junior School students.
There are a number of sub-groups each with its own focus and each sub-group sits under the umbrella of the FPA. Parents who join these groups are able to be involved in specific areas their children are involved in (e.g. Class Representative, Music, Sport) or on a broader basis.
Joining a parent group also enables you to be actively involved in developing and supporting the community that is an important aspect of being part of the Fintona family. It is a great way to meet parents not only from your year level but right across the school from ELC through to Year 12 and develop friendships that you will take with you when your child finishes their journey at Fintona.
Opportunities to Volunteer
Below is a list of groups that you may nominate to join. You may nominate for one or all, at the start or at any time of the year, there is no joining fee and no lock in time required.
Each year level throughout the ELC, Junior, Middle and Senior School has a parent class representative (or two). Parent representatives are responsible for the welcoming and the assimilation of new parents, organising social events and encouraging the support of events organised by the Fintona Parents’ Association.
Friends of Rowing is the parent support group that assists with the fundraising, development and operation of the Fintona Rowing Program. Parents in this group help to organise the annual Trivia Night, liaise with the Rowing Co-ordinator and Head Coach and assist with rowing camps and regattas.
The second hand uniform shop operates in the afternoon from 3.00pm to 4.00pm on select days throughout the year. Opening dates are advertised in the fortnightly bulletin and are dependent on volunteer’s availability. The Parents’ Association receives a percentage from the sale of secondhand clothing.
Other social events that are planned during the year include the Gala event, a mums’ get together and a dads’ Beef and Burgundy Night.
Expression of Interest
To nominate your interest in joining a Fintona Parents’ Association group, please download and fill in the form below, and return to the school.