Fintona has a long tradition of strong school leaders; women and girls who recognise the strength and companionship of a united community.
At school, as in the wider community, there is a need for people with wonderful ideas who can inspire and help others to unlock their potential.
Throughout Junior, Middle and Senior School, we teach our students to understand what qualities make a good leader and immerse them in situations to develop these skills. Apart from specific leadership opportunities, students explore a range of co-curricular activities, develop positive relationships with peers and donate their time to charitable causes.
Senior School Leadership - Ad Senatorem
Fintona’s formal Leadership Program offers students, from Year 9 in the Senior School, a safe environment in which every girl is encouraged to adopt strong leadership roles and develop confidence in her personal abilities.
In Year 12, all students are given the position of School Senator, taking a pledge to uphold the ethos of the School and to act as role models for their younger colleagues. Two girls become the School Consuls (or School Captains) and two girls are appointed Deputy Consuls for Junior School.
Other leadership opportunities are available in areas such as Debating, Public Speaking, Community Service, STEM (Science, Technology, Environment and Maths), Art, Music, and Library as well as through the House system.
Middle School Leadership - Aediles
In the Middle School leadership program, girls develop their leadership skills in preparation for the Senior School’s Leadership Development Program, Ad Senatorum.
Throughout the Middle School Leadership Program, all students develop key qualities and capabilities that make for strong leadership in a variety of settings. The program is underpinned by a philosophy of everyday leaders, everyday leadership, starting with the ability to lead oneself. By Year 8, the girls are role models for our younger students, create a sense of community in the Middle School and are encouraged to make a difference.
There are many leadership opportunities in the Middle School, both formal and non-formal. The official positions in Year 8 include two Consuls and a Deputy Consul Co-curriculum and Deputy Consul Environment. Our Middle School Leaders foster and encourage the Fintonian spirit and ethos and represent their fellow peers at official events and celebrations. They also run regular assemblies for the Middle School and support the Head of Middle School with Open Days, Information Evenings and Orientations.
In each year level, the students elect two Tutor Group Representatives per semester. The role of the Tutor Group Representative is to foster the spirit of the their tutor group, represent the voice of their tutor group and work with the Consuls to create a strong sense of community within the Middle School.
Fintona encourages all leaders to make the role their own by using their initiative and imagination and drawing on their strengths.
Junior School Leadership
In the Junior School, leadership opportunities are integral to daily life.
Through the modelling of empathy, communication, negotiation, vision, persistence and determination, the Junior School encourages all girls to engage in leadership opportunities.
Beginning in Prep the girls take turns to be the ‘VIP’ (Very Important Prep). This girl is responsible for special tasks during her turn as VIP. Class Captains are elected each term in Years 3 and 4 when girls also take on whole class duties. In Year 4, every girl holds a position of responsibility. The girls undertake the roles of House, Environment, Aerobics, Community Service and Library Captains. Each role encourages the girls to take on a whole school responsibility. These experiences hold the girls in good stead for future leadership opportunities.