A Fintona student can be recognised as one who faces her life with the simple belief that to live is to learn. In every endeavour, she aspires to do the very best she can.
She is able to learn and work independently, yet enjoys the opportunity for interdependent and collaborative work.
She holds secure moral principles and beliefs, believes in a healthy body, whilst remaining attuned to the intellectual, emotional and spiritual dimensions of her being.
As a communicator she is poised and confident, is largely self-directed but will ask for help if needed.
For her, the pursuit of excellence is assumed, not contrived, and she knows this innately. We hope that she accepts her limitations and believes that within those limits she can be inspired to make a difference.
She nurtures a love of tradition and heritage whilst maintaining a positive vision for the future. She is protective and proud of the School’s reputation and her own and aspires to be truthful and kind in her interactions with others.
Her outlook is optimistic and global, essentially because she is tolerant and believes in the inherent decency of all people. She tries to look upon others as individuals rather than a crowd, and is respectful of difference.
Like all people, we hope she understands that she has her faults, yet she also reflects on her own behaviour. In all aspects of her life, she eschews what is vulgar and mean-spirited, and directs herself to what is good and noble.