Go digital to support Bush Heritage Australia
For every Fintona File subscription that switches from paper to digital, Fintona will donate $2 to Bush Heritage Australia.

The Fintona File plays an important role in keeping our community informed and connected. It is delivered to current and future families, and Old Fintonians living in Australia and overseas twice annually.
As part of Fintona’s sustainability goals, we hope to encourage more of our community to switch the way they receive the Fintona File. To support this, Fintona will now donate $2 to Bush Heritage Australia for every subscription that switches from paper to digital.
Fintona’s Green Team, led by students in Years 10 to 12, chose to partner with Bush Heritage Australia for this initiative and gave the following statement about their decision:
We have chosen Bush Heritage Australia to connect to a charity that we feel will make a massive difference to our local environment. Bush Heritage Australia’s interweaving of really important Australian issues like Indigenous connection to land, and environmental sustainability, is really admirable. We think Bush Heritage is an incredible not-for-profit because of their clear and distinct goals, valuing strong connections and voices of Indigenous Australians and their immense success.
Bush Heritage Australia
The Australian bush is a place of outback wonders and rugged beauty. Bush Heritage is an independent not-for-profit that buys and manages land, and partners with Aboriginal people, so we can protect our irreplaceable landscapes and our magnificent native species forever.