Cocurricular is for everyone at Fintona
Engaging in co-curricular activities at Fintona offers students rich opportunities to grow, connect, and explore their interests.

It’s inspiring to see students debating against teams from other schools one evening, then enthusiastically addressing their peers and teachers at assembly the next day about upcoming Green Team activities.
Why participate in co-curricular activities? ‘Anecdotal evidence suggests that students involved in these activities feel happier, more engaged, and find greater success in their academic pursuits, which is something we see first-hand at Fintona,’ says Ruth McKinnon, Deputy Principal/Head of Learning, Teaching, and Development. Co curricular activities at Fintona go far beyond sports and music, though these remain popular with high participation in Girls Sport Victoria (GSV) competitions, netball, rowing, music ensembles, and rock bands. At Fintona there’s something for everyone, from Gardening Club to Art Club, Computer Club to Dungeons and Dragons Club, not to mention the extremely popular, Cooking Club (this might have something to do with the delicious baked goods the students cook).
The lunchtime clubs provide students with meaningful ways to engage, often led by Senior students who wish to share their own interests. These clubs enable students to pursue passions and share ideas outside the classroom.
Participation in co-curricular activities allows students to discover new interests, positively impacting their mental health and fostering a strong sense of belonging. New students are encouraged to join a club, team, or ensemble, as these shared interests help facilitate new friendships, connections across year levels and a sense of belonging.
Through activities like debating, students learn essential skills such as constructing persuasive arguments and presenting viewpoints, skills that are not only practical now but also valuable in future workplaces and higher education. Additionally, students develop teamwork, empathy, and leadership.
Sport also gives students opportunities to develop important skills for life beyond Fintona. Rowers often speak not only about their love for the sport but how it enhances their skills in teamwork, leadership, and time management.
According to Ruth, ‘at Fintona, our vision of inspiring ‘Learners who Lead’ is supported by encouraging students to embrace co-curricular activities that stretch their abilities, take them out of their comfort zones, or align with their passions. Engaging in these activities makes our students happier, healthier, and more successful—both now and in the future.’