Wildlife Xposure visits Fintona's Kinder
Our Young Explorers recently welcomed Brandon from Wildlife Xposure and some of his scaly, slimy friends into their classrooms

Children in Fintona’s Kindergarten have been very interested in the mini-beasts that they have found in the garden, the playground and sometimes even inside. Brandon from Wildlife Xposure brought with him some very exciting mini-beasts and animals to share.
The children were able to touch and hold the creatures as well as observe how they moved. They also heard about the creatures’ diverse habitats and the important role they play in our environment. After the visit, the children were invited to share their reflections:
Harvey: He had lots of animals. He had a spider, a lizard, a possum, and a lobster. Its paw was missing, and he had a fight with a water dragon.
Kailyn: Possum jumped off my arm and he went to Brandon. We have to look after the trees to help save the possums. He brought a poisonous spider, that means you can’t touch it. Venom comes from a poisonous animal like a spider.
Grace: He had a worm that crawled around the mat. It was a mealworm. It was on my hand. It was a bit slimy.
Owen: Freddo the frog keeps our water clean. Only the boy frogs can croak.